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Environment: Definition, Types of Environment, Components of environment, Segments of environment, Scope and importance, Need for Public Awareness.
Ecosystem: Definition, Types of ecosystem, Structure of ecosystem, Food Chain, Food Web, Ecological pyramid. Balance Ecosystem.
Effects of Human Activities such as Food, Shelter, Housing, Agriculture, Industry, Mining, Transportation, Economic and Social security on Environment, Environmental Impact Assessment, Sustainable Development.
Natural Resources: Introduction, Classification. Water Resources; Availability, sources and Quality Aspects, Water Borne and Water Induced Diseases, Fluoride and Arsenic Problems in Drinking Water. Mineral Resources; Material Cycles; Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulfur cycles. Energy Resources; Conventional and Non conventional Sources of Energy. Forest Resources; Availability, Depletion of Forests, Environment impact of forest depletion on societ
Pollution and their Effects; Public Health Aspects of Environmental;
Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Soil Pollution, Noise Pollution, Solid waste management.
Current Environmental Issues of Importance;
Global Warming, Green House Effects, Climate Change, Acid Rain, Ozone Layer Formation and Depletion, Population Growth and Automobile pollution, Burning of paddy straw.
Environmental Protection;
Environmental Protection Act 1986, Initiatives by Non Governmental Organizations (NGO’s), Human Population and the Environment: Population growth, Environmental Education, Women Education.