Atomic and Molecular Structure: Molecular orbital’s of diatomic molecules, Bond Order,
Magnetic characters and numerical problems.
Liquid Crystals; Introduction, Types and Applications of liquid crystals, Industrially
important materials used as liquid crystals.
Graphite and Fullerene; Introduction, Structure and applications.
Nanomaterials; Introduction, Preparation, characteristics of nanomaterials and applications
of nanomaterials, Carbon Nano Tubes (CNT),
Green Chemistry: Introduction, 12 principles and importance of green Synthesis, Green
Chemicals, Synthesis of typical organic compounds by conventional and Green route (Adipic
acid and Paracetamol), Environmental impact of Green chemistry on society.
Spectroscopic Techniques and Applications: Elementary idea and simple applications of
UV, IR and NMR, Numerical problems.
Stereochemistry: Optical isomerism in compounds without chiral carbon, Geometrical
isomerism, Chiral Drugs.
Batteries; Classification and applications of Primary Cells (Dry Cell) and Secondary Cells
(Lead Acid battery).
orrosion: Introduction to corrosion, Types of corrosion, Cause of corrosion, Corrosion
prevention and control, Corrosion issues in specific industries (Power generation, Chemical
processing industry, Oil & gas industry and Pulp & paper industries).
Cement; Constituents, manufacturing, hardening and setting, deterioration of cement, Plaster
of Paris (POP).
Water Technology: Sources and impurities of water, Hardness of water, Boiler troubles,
Techniques for water softening (Lime-Soda, Zeolite, Ion Exchange and Reverse Osmosis
process), Determination of Hardness and alkalinity, Numerical problems.
Fuels and Combustion: Definition, Classification, Characteristics of a good fuel, Calorific
Values, Gross & Net calorific value, Determination of calorific value by Bomb Calorimeter,
Theoretical calculation of calorific value by Dulong’s method, Ranking of Coal, Analysis of coal
by Proximate and Ultimate analysis method, Numerical problems, Chemistry of Biogas
production from organic waste materials and their environmental impact on society.
Polymers; Classification, Polymerization processes, Thermosetting and Thermoplastic
Polymers, Polymer Blends and Composites, Conducting and Biodegradable polymers,
Preparation, properties, industrial applications of Teflon, Lucite, Bakelite, Kelvar, Dacron,
Thiokol, Nylon, Buna-N and Buna-S and their environmental impact on society, Speciality
Organometallic Compounds: General methods of preparation and applications of
Organometallic compounds (RMgX and LiAlH4).